
Repair work is ongoing at Wadsworth Pond

Repair work is ongoing at Wadsworth Pond

Work is underway at Wadsworth Pond to improve the banks of the pond to make access to the cut of water safer and easier.

Repair work is ongoing at Wadsworth Pond

Although Wadsworth Pond is located just outside the city limits (4620 Wilkinson Lane), it is owned and operated by the City of Great Falls.

San River Watershed Group (SRWG) said in a press release that stone will be installed along the banks at seven locations to provide access points for the public, using fine gravel on the walking surface.

It will also reduce the amount of sediment entering the pond from the banks, improving water quality for fish and wildlife.

Another improvement coming soon is new permanent restrooms that will be installed in the spring thanks to the Great Falls Chapter of Walleyes Unlimited.

Last summer, the Electric City Disc Golf Club built a frisbee golf course around the pond.

“The beauty of this project is that it represents a great working relationship between the Sun River Watershed Group, FWP, Walleyes Unlimited, Missouri River Flyfishers, The West Side Flood District and Great Falls Park and Recreation, several organizations with the same goals in providing services. safe and accessible recreation areas and amenities for our community and state,” Great Falls Park and Recreation Department Kevin Vining said in a news release.

Adam Gake, FWP fisheries biologist serving the Great Falls area, said, “The City of Great Falls and the West Great Falls Flood Control District have done a good job of managing water levels in Wadsworth Pond over the past several years, resulting in better the number of fish in the pond. Stabilizing the banks will help reduce erosion and still provide good access for fishing and other activities.”

He added: “This is a great project that will benefit the fish, wildlife and people who use the pond. It was interesting to see all the hard work that went into improving Wadsworth Pond.”

The project is funded in large part by a Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Community Ponds grant acquired by SRWG, which also manages the project. Other funds are provided by Walleyes Unlimited, Missouri River Flyfishers and Montana Trout Unlimited.

The embankments will be built by Shumaker Trucking and Excavating.

Wadsworth pond