
Woman accused of driving under the influence and hitting Albuquerque firefighter

Woman accused of driving under the influence and hitting Albuquerque firefighter

ALBUQUERQUE, NM (KRQE) – A woman is accused of driving drunk and hitting an Albuquerque firefighter.

New Mexico State Police responded to the crash on northbound I-25 near the Comanche exit at 2 a.m. Sunday. Police said Rebecca Melchor crashed into the first car accident and hit a firefighter at the scene.

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When police went to question Melchor, they said she admitted to being intoxicated. They took her into custody. She is charged with careless driving, hit-and-run and driving while intoxicated.

“This weekend one of our own was seriously injured while responding to a call,” said Fire Chief Emily Jaramillo. “AFR firefighters face these dangers every day and we are reminded of their courage and dedication to service in times like these. We look forward to a full recovery and will continue to support him and his family as he recovers from these injuries.”

The firefighter is in a serious but stable condition, the AFR reports.

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