
Drunk drivers caught during black truffle market action in Bagnoli Irpino

Drunk drivers caught during black truffle market action in Bagnoli Irpino

Drunk drivers discovered during inspections of the 45th edition of Art Black truffle market in Bagnoli Irpino.

During these checks, a 20-year-old resident of Flumeri, a 30-year-old resident of Montefredane, a 45-year-old resident of Castelfranco and a 60-year-old resident of the city Grottaminard were caught driving vehicles with a the level of alcohol in the blood is above the permissible limit.


For reckless drivers, in addition to the message at large, there was immediate revocation of their driver’s licenses. The Provincial Command of the Carabinieri acted, also reporting a 35-year-old resident of Avellino who, despite obvious symptoms, refused to pass a breathalyzer. A 20-year-old Avellino resident and a 30-year-old Lyon resident were also reported to have tested positive for drugs.