
Alien: Earth will have you screaming on Hulu and Disney Plus in mid-2025, but its final teaser won’t

Alien: Earth will have you screaming on Hulu and Disney Plus in mid-2025, but its final teaser won’t

Are you ready to be scared again by xenomorphs and mass hugs? You better be because Alien: Earth The first-ever television series set in the universe of the sci-fi horror franchise is set to air in mid-2025.

Announced in a press release from Disney, the show that runs Fargo creator Noah Hawley, officially debuts on Hulu (USA) and Disney Plus (international) sometime between June and September next year. Indeed, the new teaser for Alien The first franchise project on the small screen that showed Alien: Earth will emerge from its ovomorph in the summer of 2025 (that’s winter for Southern Hemisphere residents).

Alien: Earth | Teaser – Reflections | FX – YouTube
Alien: Earth | Teaser - Reflections | FX - YouTube
