
Kate Winslet participates in the most controversial scene of Titanic

Kate Winslet participates in the most controversial scene of Titanic

Why couldn't Jack and Rose both survive?
Why couldn’t Jack and Rose both survive?

Kate Winslet revived the old Titanic debate, setting the record for the infamous “door scene.”

In an interview on October 21 at Project, on an Australian talk show, Winslet revealed surprising details about the object her character, Rose, held on to in order to survive in the classic 1997 series.

“People keep calling it a door, but it really wasn’t even a door,” Winslet clarified.

“It was a piece of railing like a staircase or something that chipped off.” This discovery could change the way fans have viewed the scene for years.

When asked the burning question of whether there was a “seat in the door” for Leonardo DiCaprio’s character Jack, Winslet laughed, saying she had anticipated the question.

“Who knows if he might come or not,” she replied with a smile. “Honestly, I don’t have any ideas that someone hasn’t already tried to figure out.”

In the advent of 2022 on Happy Sad Confused podcast, she finally gave her opinion on a long-standing debate around Titanic famous ending

Fans have debated for decades whether her character Rose could have shared the floating wreckage with Jack, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, to save him from the icy waters. Winslet, however, gave her own definitive answer.

“You heard it here the first time—yes, it could fit, but it wouldn’t stay afloat. No, she explained, dismissing the idea that there was enough room for both of them without risking their survival.

During the debate, fans went so far as to analyze the interiors of the fictional ship and compare them to the wreckage, with many insisting that it wasn’t even a door.

Director James Cameron, who was fed up with the controversy, told Toronto Sun that he once commissioned a scientific study to test the theories.

By using body doubles of the same body weight as Winslet and DiCaprio and equipping them with sensors in the icy water, Cameron found the ultimate answer: “They both couldn’t survive. Only one could survive,” he said.