
The Penguin Brothers Twist just made the story of Oz’s villain that much darker

The Penguin Brothers Twist just made the story of Oz’s villain that much darker

After discovering that Oz limped as a child rather than an accident as an adult, events take a tragic turn when his brothers hide from him in an overflowing tunnel accessible only by ladder. A vengeful Oz locks them inside, saying, “Be merry, get out.” Although it is unclear if he intended to leave them there, Jack and Benny drown after a night of heavy rain. Meanwhile, Oz goes home to watch 1935 Cylinder with his mother and attracts all her attention, lies that his brothers went to watch Beetle juice. This shows that even as a child, Oz was willing to do terrible things to reach the top.

It also became known that Oz was ambitious from childhood and adored the gangster Rex Calabrese (Luis Cancelmi). Francis did some work for Calabresi, and while there is an unconfirmed theory that the gangster was actually Oz’s father, the fact that Jack tried to keep Oz away from Rex suggests that it could have been something else. As for the fate of the Oz brothers, Farrell said this is the “pivotal” moment that makes him the frustrated monster we see today: “I understood it and was horrified by it. I believe that he is completely washing his hands and has convinced himself that things did not happen the way they did. This is the grave. But it is somewhere there – darkness. And it was at that age, that’s the thing.”

The twist with the Oz brothers is made all the more terrifying when you realize that his base of operations, running his Bliss empire in an abandoned trolley station, is in the sewers where he let his brothers die. When Oz first went there with Vic (Renzi Feliz). episode 5he stopped at the same door behind which his brothers died. There’s a sense of irony that the door Oz used to lock his brothers in saved his life when Sophia tried to blow up his lair at the end of the episode. The latest episode also shows Oz finding the trolley coin that we saw as part of Francis’ belongings in episode 5.

Farrell says LeFranc wanted to explore the idea that monsters are created by their family and circumstances. Frances pleads with young Oz to give her a better life while dancing at Monroe’s jazz club, revealing how she also helped push him down this dark path. Whether or not Sophia uses Francis as leverage to try and bring Oz down, we know he’ll at least survive the events Batman Part II. This suggests that Oz will win his way up Gotham’s criminal ladder, but it doesn’t look good for everyone else.