
The man admitted that he broke car mirrors while drunk

The man admitted that he broke car mirrors while drunk

A young man from Argentina admitted that he broke 10 car mirrors in Sliema while drunk.

Alejandro Guzman, 23, a waiter, was arrested on Friday before Judge Donatella Frendo Dimech by Police Inspector Ian Azzopardi on charges of criminal damage and public drunkenness.

Guzman pleaded guilty to the charges.

The court was told that the prosecution and defense had informally agreed to offer community service as an ideal punishment.

Yanika’s lawyer, Barbara Sant, said in court that the man regrets his actions and will pay for the damage caused.

In light of these submissions, the magistrate ordered a pre-sentence report, instructing the Probation and Parole Board to consider the possibility of community service.

He was released on bail pending the completion of his report, ordered to sign a weekly bail book and observe a curfew. The bail was secured by a personal guarantee in the amount of 3,000 euros.