
Two El -Paso, Texas, Synagogues, grade with Nazi symbols

Two El -Paso, Texas, Synagogues, grade with Nazi symbols

El -PasoLaw enforcement agencies have started investigating a possible anti -Semitic incident after two local synagogues were grapes with Nazi symbols on Thursday, according to local media reports.

The synagogue of B’Nai Zion and the temple -Hora Sinai were distributed by red swastiki, braided with Magen Davids, according to images circulating on the Internet.

Community reactions to vandalism

Rabin Benjamin Zaydman said Kfox14 from Mount Sinai: “I gravated on one of our retaining walls on the front of our building, there was something that the Israelis were Nazis. I think El -Paso is aiming, and it’s scary.

Graffiti, comparing the Israelites with the Nazis, was discovered on the last night of Hanuka in Auckland. (Illustrative) (Credit: Screenshot/X/through Section 27a of the Copyright Law)

Bill Karval, President of the Congregation in B’Nai Zion, said to the community: “We have an incident in our institution today where today Anti -Semitic Graffiti was placed on our exit. The incident was reported in the Police Department of El Paso and the FBI investigating. We were in contact with Adl And protected network communities and coordinated with them, ”Ktsm said.

“The safety of our congregation is of paramount importance, and we have increased security measures for more than a year. When we get more information, we will share it with the community, ”the carvad was promised.

Graffiti in Bnai Zion synagogue was cleared in hours after its opening, CBS4 reports.

Officials of the Federal Bureau of Investigation support the investigation of the El Paso police department.