
OpenAI operator keeps deleted data for months longer than chatgpt

OpenAI operator keeps deleted data for months longer than chatgpt

OperatorOpenAI’s new AI agent will keep your deleted data for two months longer than Chatgpt’s deleted data.

Open Are there any prominent privacy policies located on the operator’s fine print help page. One of which says that your carrier interaction data — chats, browsing history and screenshots — is stored on OpenAi’s servers for up to 90 days after the user deletes it, according to TechCrunch, which first noticed the discrepancy. Chatgpt keeps deleted data for only 30 days.

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Data retention policies are standard practice and range from months to years depending on the nature of the data. But fundamentally, the operator has access to personal and confidential data by performing tasks on behalf of the user, such as browsing the Internet, logging into sites (with your supervision) and regularly taking screenshots of the screen to visually process tasks.

This data is automatically stored until you choose to delete it in your account settings. But even after you do, “deleted chats and related screenshots will be removed from our systems for 90 days,” the help page said.

Speed ​​of light

Why does the carrier store data longer than chatgpt?

Of course, this begs the question of why operator data is stored longer than Chatgpt data. An OpenAI spokesperson told Mashable, “Since agents are a relatively new technology, we wanted to make sure our teams had time to better understand and review potential abuse vectors.” This allows the OpenAI team to improve security measures and protect against misuse, the spokesperson continued.

What does the operator do with my data?

On that note, OpenAI and “Authorized Service Providers” can also access your carrier content. It is the same as Chatgpt Policy. But with the operator, this means that OpenAi can also see the screenshots, which adds a new level of big brother surveillance. OpenAI says it’s to investigate illegal activity or misuse, provide technical support, or “address legal issues.”

If you haven’t opted out, OpenAi also uses your carrier content to train its models. But the same setting that applies to Chatgpt also applies to the operator. So if you’ve already switched model sharing from Chatgpt, your operator data stays with you. To enable this setting, go to your Chatgpt account page, then data management, and click “Improve model for everyone.” In the popup window, disable this option and click done.

Given the responsibility given to the operator, OpenAI has taken other security measures. When it encounters the login page, it stops and passes access to the user to “take over mode”. In this mode, the operator stops taking screenshots. It also has a “watch mode” when navigating to certain sites, such as Gmail, which requires user supervision.