
How to share your voice

How to share your voice

What are the restrictions on I-75?

The I-75 cap is a local project supported by the US Department of Transportation. Highway caps are a type of bridge built on top of a highway. It is usually used to create new park areas and as a way to bring the community together.

What is the purpose of this project?

The goal of the project is to reconnect communities that are cut off from economic and social opportunities due to the location of the highway. According to the Downtown Detroit Partnership’s website, freeway restrictions can help improve connectivity and quality of life. Other potential benefits include increased mobility and environmental benefits.

What area is being researched?

Field of study (DDP)

The team is currently exploring options for a restriction from 3rd Avenue in the west to Brush Street in the east. They are also looking at the surrounding areas to see how the highway closure will affect their community.

Field of study (DDP)

What is the deadline for the implementation of this project?

The current plan consists of three stages:

Stage #1: May-June assessment of community goals and needs

Stage No. 2: July-August study of restriction options

Stage #3: September-October is the preferred option

2025 – Provision of funding, design and environmental studies

2025/2026- Full design and start of construction

2027/2028- Complete construction and add amenities

How can I express my opinion to the team?

The third I-75 Cap Visioning Session will be held tomorrow (Tuesday, October 29).

Public meeting #3: October 29, 2024| 18:00-19:30
MSU Detroit Center
3408 Woodward Avenue
Detroit, MI 48201

For more information, go to Downtown Detroit Partnership web page on I-75 Cap.

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