
New laws to be presented to the NSW Parliament, since Chris Conductor Starts Great Effort

New laws to be presented to the NSW Parliament, since Chris Conductor Starts Great Effort

New laws that criminalize acts and incite racial hatred should be presented to the NSW Parliament on Tuesday.

Amendment to crime (incitement of racial hatred) Bill 2025 will make it a criminal offense “intentionally and publicly” incite hatred to another person on the basis of race.

The attackers accused under the new law may be threatened with a maximum punishment for two years in prison or a fine of up to $ 11,000 or both.

Corporations can threaten a $ 55,000 fine.

However, through freedom of speech, political communication and religious doctrines, except for “references to religious texts” will be protected.

According to this law, the offense of racial hatred must satisfy the following four elements: it is a public act, it pushes hatred, it was intentional and was based on a race.

A public act is considered a “any form of communication” for the public, and publications on social networks are included in the law.

After two Sydney Nurses Working at Bankstown Hospital He made global headlines for predictable threats against Israeli patients, Mr Minskaya refused to say whether their comments would be a speech of hatred in accordance with new laws.

“It puts me in a very difficult situation for classification (nurses’ comments), as it is, given the possibility of his stay in front of the courts, and I simply do not intend to interfere with this investigation,” he said on Monday.

Prosecutor General Michael Daily stated that racial hatred was “unacceptable”, and a new legal criminalization of deliberate incitement of racial hatred was “important” for community security.

“It is important that the members of our community are protected from behavior that causes them to be afraid of their safety or to be afraid of harassment, intimidation or violence,” he said.

Speaking to ABC, Mr. Daily stated that laws could be extended “down the track” and stated that a new bill should be urgently introduced in the light of anti -Semitic attacks in CVD, especially in Sydney, which included bombing care for children in children’s Marubra’s care.

“These laws are imposed without delay to deal with this escalation now to solve it now,” he said.

NSW Minister of Health

“We do not close the door, including other groups down the track, but there is an urgency that requires urgent attention, and that’s what these laws will attend.”

Mr Dayley stated that he did not think that there would be a “political flow” over new laws and expected the “majority” of the deputies to see the laws “what they are”, an attempt to solve the escalation problem about the Jewish community throughout the community throughout the community. The whole territory is a country.

Last week the NSW government has introduced new reforms to protect worships that were included Criminalization of the manifestation of the Nazi symbol near the synagoguean offense that has a maximum punishment of up to two years in prison in the Northern Republic.

D -H Minsi stated that “disgusting actions of anti -Semitism” did not have a place in NSW “and repeated that such intimidations that were designed to separate the community would” not work “.

“We send a clear message that these disgusting attacks should stop,” he said.