
McGregor Man pleads guilty of a 20-year-old sexual violence

McGregor Man pleads guilty of a 20-year-old sexual violence

WACO, Texas (KWTX) – McGregor’s husband, who was charged with a sexual attack on a young family member 20 years ago, pleaded his guilt on Thursday on a lesser accusation of attempting to have a child’s sexual activity.

37-year-old Andrew Trevino Garcia pleaded guilty of a second degree crime in exchange for the recommendations of the McLenn district prosecutor’s office, that he will be posted on a delayed crime for 10 years.

As part of the guilt agreement, prosecutors also abandoned two cases of a first -degree crime in an enhanced sexual attack on a child, as well as calculating a second degree crime with a child by contact after Garcia agreed to admit his guilt for less prosecution.

Judge Susan Kelly, of the 54th District Court, Vako questioned the assistant to the district prosecutor Luke McKowv about why his office proposed an agreement on pleasure in guilt. McCowan stated that the offense happened when Garcia was 17 years old and told the judge that the victim, which is 30 now, wanted to extend his life and is satisfied with the proposal.

Kelly ordered the presentation of the probation officers and appointed a sentence of Garcia on May 1. If the judge accepts a guilt agreement, Garcia shall be subordinated to 20 years in prison if he does not fulfill the conditions and conditions of the test.

If it completes a conventional period, there will be no definitive decision and no belief in its record. Judicial records show that Garcia served 20 days in the prison in 2006 after the offense of crime.

Garcia, which remains in prison, has been serving 339 days in prison from the moment of arrest last year for increasing the sexual attack of the child.

His lawyer Alan Streetman has postponed a comment to the case.

A family member, who was 10 years old, said McGregor police that Garcia had sexually attacked him in April 2004, while Garcia was sharing a house with a boy’s family.

The family member said Garcia made him start sleeping in one bed with him, according to the arrest statement. He reported several cases in which Garcia forced him to perform sexual actions and told him that they would be in trouble if he had to say that he was stateing.