
On the Eatons Fire wave, leaders urge Pasadena to double the effort on climatic purposes – tribunes of San Gabriel Valley

On the Eatons Fire wave, leaders urge Pasadena to double the effort on climatic purposes – tribunes of San Gabriel Valley

Coalition of environmental leaders, faith and neighborhood on Wednesday, January 29 Ambitious goals of renewable energySaying that when the area is building back after Iton’s fire, it is now time to “harden” homes and infrastructure with stable materials and capacity.

Group – including Pasadena 100, Sierra -Club, local clergy, activists and residents – first gathered the Church of AME Pasaden, where the executive director of the Sierra Club Ben Jeavenly urged the interested parties to double the effort to ensure that the city is maintained. carbon by 2030.

“This is an important point when Pasadena showed true leadership,” said jealous at a press conference in the church’s sanctuary, where about 50 people packed benches. “Critical moments need bold leadership. Having developed the goal of 100% of pure energy, the city council understood its priorities. Now is the time they fulfill this promise and show their intentions to be a true leader in California and the country. ”

City officials have refused comments.

Environmental leaders signaled vision of how alternative forms of energy – rather than fossil fuels – could play Recovery in the areathat suffered losses due to a fire.

More than 9,000 structures were destroyed, mostly homes, but also businesses, churches and schools. While Pasadena did not hit so much compared to Neiighboring Altadena, the destruction was huge in areas closer to the foothills.

On Wednesday, early signs of reconstruction vision appeared among members of the environmental community. This vision includes how solar energy, battery storage, demand reduction technology and other programs can be part of how the area uses power in the coming years, as soon as it is fully restored. Induction furnaces.

The jealous and others in the room noted that investments in the hardening of restored homes that do not contain fossil fuels will now pay off.

“It’s time to think about it,” he said. “When you have such an old gas water heater and you want to change it to an electric house in an hour, you have to put in a new chain and all this. But when you build from the bottom up, you can build it to the end. On the place of the new construction price It is often insignificant and long -term savings are very real. ”

Geothermal power can soon provide Pasaden with a quarter of its retail needs thanks to a contract of up to 12 million agreement on the sale of electricity from Calpine Geysers, LLC. (Passaden's water and authorities are kindly provided)
Photo Serve: (kindly provided with Pasaden’s water and power)

Leaders put the moment more widely, noting that with such a large number is happening at once, and at such a speed that the idea to build less depending on fossil fuels can be lost.

The leaders used the day to celebrate the second anniversary, on January 30, when Pasadena City Council unanimously set a 100 percent meal for carbon electricity, but supporters warn that you need to do more to successfully fulfill the goal.

In January 20023, the Council adopted resolutions that announced a climate emergency and set a political purpose to get 100% of its electricity from carbon sources by the end of 2030, setting parameters for the Pasadena water and electricity plan, which was developed above norms.

At that time, the plan called Pasaden, which received 8% of its power from the sun to get from 57% to 70% of its energy needs from solar energy by 2030. Another about 15% will receive from geothermal energy. However, this requires that at least 400 MW of commercial solar energy and 400 MW of commercial storage capabilities will be created by 2030.

“Pasadena 100, consisting of 22 different non -profit organizations and more than 700 people, has a single mission: make Pasaden’s water and the authorities stop burning fossil fuels,” – said Sitina Kennady, Pasaden’s 100 coalition chairman, which made on Wednesday. “Our work to restrain climate change begins here in Pasaden. We are proud that the city put 100% goal in 2023; Now we have to achieve that. “

Lawyers stated that after the adoption of climate resolution in 2023, Pasaden took the initial steps towards her purposes of pure energy. But they said that climate change “requires a more comprehensive approach, which includes expanded solar energy on the roof, storage of batteries, demand reduction technology and program that provide access to pure energy for all residents.”

On Thursday, January 30, attorneys hold vagins that celebrate the two years of the city resolution from 6 to 20 pm near the City Hall.