Hamas prepares a scene in a lane of Gaza for hostage release Arbel Yeud, Agam Berger and Gady Moses It is expected on Thursday, according to personnel published on social networks on Thursday.
Frames from Jabalia in the north Gaza showed a banner with the names of IDF units.
A similar stage of last week
Last week, on the eve of hostage release Karina Aryev, Liri Albag, Daniel Gilboa and Naama Levi Hamas and Palestinian terrorists of Islamic Jihad, together with the civilian residents of Gazan, gathered on the Palestinian Square of Gaza near a similar stage.
Al -Jazira noted, there was a number of guns and vehicles, except terrorists, on vacation of the terror group.
In addition to Ekhud, Berger and Moses, five civilian Taylands are released from the captivity of the gases on Thursday.