
High Orchard Bridge is reopening after a £200,000 repair to the pavement

High Orchard Bridge is reopening after a £200,000 repair to the pavement

A bridge in Gloucester has reopened after three weeks of major safety work costing more than £200,000.

The Canal and River Trust announced on Sunday that High Orchard Bridge, which spans St Ann’s Canal via the Gloucester and Sharpness Canal, has reopened to vehicles and cyclists.

The trust worked with contractor Kier to remove the old road surface, repair the road slabs and resurface the road with a special resin material.

The trust’s Neil Owen said the bridge was “an important structure in the city and on the canal”.

The sidewalk and towpath remained open during the bridge closure, and boats under 16.4 feet (5 m) could use navigation.

The bridge is now open again, vessels above this height can pass on the bridge when it is raised.

“These improvements will benefit road users crossing the canal at St Ann’s Street and we have been working seven days a week to deliver them quickly and minimize disruption,” Mr Owen said.

“This follows work carried out by the Canal & River Trust earlier this year to repair the bridge so it can be safely raised for ships calling into Gloucester Docks for the Tall Ships Festival.

“We appreciate people’s patience during the security and improvement work.”