
FRENCH COMMUNICATION: Election results lead to hung juries

FRENCH COMMUNICATION: Election results lead to hung juries

Columnist Diana French pleads with Ragstad and Abby to forget the finger-pointing and verbal attacks

It was a real election night, and as I write this, we still don’t know who won. Even when we know, it will be awkward to manage two major rival parties so close in numbers. The two sides have several features in common. Both appear to be in favor of ending the carbon tax and continuing to export liquefied natural gas, but they disagree on some key issues, including the environment and climate change.

In fact, both sides have not noticed climate change, nature issues have not been a hot topic. This was unexpected given the extreme weather we experienced – floods, fires and drought. BC forest fires are still burning – regardless of what is happening in other countries of the world. But they disagree on most issues, and that’s a big problem.

It’s not uncommon for British Columbians to tire of incumbent governments, whether right, left, or middle-of-the-road, after two or three terms in office. We want someone new. Usually, when we get rid of an IN party, we are fine with it and give the new party at least a minority. This time we seem to have a hung jury.

Regardless of whether the NDP or the Conservatives win in the end, neither party is likely to have an overwhelming majority when all the votes are counted. I can’t remember when British Columbians have been so divided politically. There is only one way to ensure that we stay happy, healthy and safe, and that is for all 93 MLAs to work together. So please, please, please, Mr. Ragstad and Mr. Eby, forget the finger-pointing and verbal attacks and remember that half the voters don’t want you.