
The 8 Best Heist Movies of All Time

The 8 Best Heist Movies of All Time

Coin robbery

The 2017 film follows four teenagers who hatch a daring plan to infiltrate the US Mint and steal millions of dollars in order to save their famous prep school in Philadelphia.

Red message

This exciting story revolves around the world of crime, where an Interpol agent tries to track down and catch the most dangerous and wanted art thief.

Triple border

Directed by JC Chandor, the film tells the story of Pope, who assembles a team to steal money from Loreya, a drug lord, based on information provided by Yovanna.


The story focuses on Cobb, who has the power to steal information from his targets by entering their sleep, and his only way to escape being accused of murdering his wife is to complete an impossible task.

Reservoir Dogs

This gripping story revolves around six criminals who are hired for a diamond heist team, but they don’t know each other’s true identity, but an event leads them to believe that one of them is an undercover officer.

Army of Thieves

The story revolves around a mysterious female agent who helps thieves and guides them to break legendary dates across Europe.

Army of the Dead

The interesting story tells about a group of professional soldiers who plan an exciting risky adventure mission to carry out an impossible heist after a zombie pandemic.


At the heart of the gripping story is an experienced thief who is invited by his ex-girlfriend and the FBI to carry out an impossible mission to rob a 777 passenger flight from London to Zurich with his crew.