
City council removes bikes after Stomper complaint about cluttered lift stairs in Yishun Quarter

City council removes bikes after Stomper complaint about cluttered lift stairs in Yishun Quarter

Looks like a mess and trash constant problems faced by residents of 72 Yishun Street.

Stomper Man recently highlighted the mess on the elevator landing of Unit 745 at 72 Yishun Street on October 12.

Bicycles and other items, including an exercise machine, have been spotted in cluttered elevator landings on the block.

Stomper expressed concern about people using such public spaces as “storage areas”.

“This is happening not only here, but in many places, including empty decks where there are chairs and even tables,” he noted.

“Now you can see many such warehouses in Yishun.”

Nee-Sung City Council took action in response to Stomp’s feedback, and the bikes have now been removed.

“In addition, notices were placed on the paraphernalia to advise the owners to remove them,” a council spokesman said.

“The City Council will continue to closely monitor this situation and take the necessary measures to resolve this issue.

“We continue to educate and inform residents about the importance of keeping common corridors clear both for safety and to maintain a pleasant living environment for all.”