
Rockford organizations offer inflation-adjusted Thanksgiving meals

Rockford organizations offer inflation-adjusted Thanksgiving meals

ROCKFORD, Ill. (WIFR) – Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and Rockford organizations are working hard to make sure everyone who can’t afford a meal gets it.

Rock River Valley Pantry and Rockford Rescue Mission are two organizations that are providing food even with the recent effects of inflation.

“Everyone is human and deserves to have a little fun during the holidays,” says Tabatha Andres-Cruz, CEO of Rock River Valley Pantry.

Every year, Rockford organizations help those in need get the ingredients for the perfect Thanksgiving meal. Rock River Valley Pantry registered families of two or more to receive a “thank you basket” filled with holiday essentials to serve more than 500 people.

“We’re giving away 250 turkeys with each of these baskets, and we’re going to give away more turkeys because we’re going to get donations. So we’ll probably give away another 50 to 100 turkeys on top of that,” Cruz explains.

However, the recent effects of inflation are causing more people to turn to local organizations for support. Rock River Valley Pantry serves 50% more people than two years ago.

“We haven’t seen a big effect in the amount of donations we’re getting, but what we’ve seen is the increase in the number of people we’re serving has really increased with inflation,” Cruz says.

The Rockford Rescue Mission explains that inflation has also affected its work due to greater need and fewer donations.

“More people just need support, help and food because they just can’t afford to buy groceries like they did years ago,” said Ted Tomita, chief development officer for Rockford Rescue Mission. “Our donors; they also suffered greatly.”

Tomita explains that it was hard to make up for it, but the mission will still host the annual Thanksgiving dinner.

“We’re really good at never turning anyone away,” explains Tomita.