
The case may be closed against the police officer accused of driving a patrol car while intoxicated

The case may be closed against the police officer accused of driving a patrol car while intoxicated

ALBUQUERQUE, NM (KRQE) – Back in June, a New Mexico State Police officer had unusual DWI stop because the person he pulled over was actually an Albuquerque Police Department (APD) officer. The officer was in uniform and in charge of his police unit; he turned out to be drunk driving.

This APD officer has now pleaded guilty, but if he stays out of trouble, the misdemeanor charge could be dismissed.

In early June, a state police trooper saw an Albuquerque police car speeding nearly 112 mph on I-25 near Bobby Foster Road late at night. When he stopped the vehicle, he discovered an APD officer in full uniform inside.

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Being on the side of the road, APD Officer Jordan Hernandez told state police Sgt. that he failed to maintain his lane due to a flat tire and other reasons.

However, a state police officer said Hernandez had bloodshot eyes and smelled of alcohol on his breath. After Hernandez failed a field sobriety test, he was arrested.

He pleaded guilty to DWI this week. The judge granted him a suspended sentence, meaning his case could be dismissed at a later date if he followed court rules and attended a drink-driving course.

APD placed Hernandez on administrative leave following his arrest. He resigned in August.

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