
I get jealous every time my boyfriend looks at other women

I get jealous every time my boyfriend looks at other women

DEAR DEIDRE: SEEING my boyfriend looking at beautiful women makes me so mad.

The problem is that I feel the same way if I see him checking out a normal looking woman or even someone I find unattractive.

I am 26 and he is 28.

He’s really fed up and says that if I don’t believe him, there’s no point in continuing our relationship.

He insists that he does not look at them sexually.

My last boyfriend was horrible for looking at other women right under my nose and we broke up when I discovered he was texting other women and cheating twice.

DEIDRE SAYS: You’ve been cheated on, so you’re hypervigilant – constantly looking for signs that your current boyfriend is about to cheat too.

Just because your last boyfriend cheated on you doesn’t mean this one will.

You will lose him if you continue to doubt him and in the end you have to decide if you can learn to trust him or is it better to walk away?

My support package Understanding Jealousy will help.

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