
Costa Rica confirms cases of tuberculosis among homeless people in San Carlos

Costa Rica confirms cases of tuberculosis among homeless people in San Carlos

The Ministry of Health has confirmed three cases of tuberculosis in Costa Rica, all affecting homeless people living in San Carlos, Alajuela. The authorities announced the implementation of a series of measures to protect the health of the public, starting with sanitary measures for the places where these people sleep, which are considered unfit for habitation and pose a high risk of infection.

As the patients refused treatment, representatives of the North Uetar region of the Ministry of Health, along with other government agencies, are coordinating efforts to provide them with the medical care they need in an appropriate, supervised environment. Officials are also working to eliminate uninhabitable infrastructure.

“The Ministry of Health has already taken measures to prevent the infection of close people and any other persons who may have come into contact with them,” the institution said.

Health professionals monitoring the case ordered the victims to undergo hospital treatment and follow medical instructions and sanitary protocols to prevent further spread of the disease.

The ministry also agreed on an action plan with local authorities to proactively track potential cases in shelters, drug rehabilitation centers and homes for the elderly. Staff also visited pharmacies and macrobiotics to inform staff that they should report individuals with suspicious symptoms to a health facility immediately.

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by a bacterium called Tuberculosis mycobacteriaalso known as Koch’s rod. The main symptom of tuberculosis is a persistent cough that lasts two or more weeks.

However, symptoms can also include fatigue, weight loss, poor appetite, general weakness, evening fever, night sweats, shortness of breath and chest pain. The disease is transmitted when an infected person talks, sings, sneezes or coughs, throwing small droplets into the air. These droplets can remain in the air for some time, allowing others to inhale them. If the bacteria reach the lungs and find a suitable environment, they can multiply and cause disease.