
A Happiness House preschooler will help flip a coin in the Hobart game

A Happiness House preschooler will help flip a coin in the Hobart game

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WROC) – A Geneva House of Happiness preschool will help with the coin toss to kick off Hobart and William Smith College on Saturday afternoon when the Hobart Statesmen football team takes on Union College at 1 p.m.

This game marks the 14th annual Tackles & Touchdowns to benefit the Ability Partners Foundation. The statesmen spent Friday afternoon in the preschool classrooms of the House of Happiness in Geneva on Pre-Emption Road.

Since 2010, Tackles & Touchdowns has raised over $48,000 for Ability Partners Happiness House, CP Rochester and Rochester Rehabilitation Center. Those who wish to donate can do so by making an outright gift or pledge, based on the number of tackles and touchdowns scored by State players during the game.

James Yiannopollo, 4, has been receiving speech and occupational therapy at Happiness House for the past two years. Those who work with him say James has gone from a child who barely communicated to an intelligent, happy, talkative boy who can read and express himself. James’ parents, Gary and Hayley, say James is the third of their sons to attend the House of Happiness.

“We would like to thank Happiness House for this wonderful opportunity,” said Haley and Gary. “Good luck to both teams!”

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