
Wordle Today: October 26 Wordle Answer and Hints

Wordle Today: October 26 Wordle Answer and Hints

We’ve got the July 16 Wordle solution and some helpful hints to help you find the answer yourself. We’ve put the answer at the bottom of the page so we don’t spoil the surprise before you’ve had a chance to work through the clues. So let’s dive into the topic, starting with a reminder of yesterday’s answer.

Yesterday’s Wordle answer

Let’s start by first reminding ourselves of yesterday’s Wordle answer for those who are new to the game or who don’t play it daily, which was “FROWN.” So we can say that today’s Wordle answer is definitely not like that. Now, with that in mind, maybe try again using one of these Wordle starter words and circle back if you’re unlucky.

Hints for today’s Wordle

Still can’t figure it out? We have today’s Wordle answer right here below. But first, one more thing: let’s look at three tips that can help you find the solution without giving it away, so there’s no need to feel guilty about maintaining your streak—you did put in some work, after all! Or just keep scrolling to find the answer.

  • A modern Wordle contains the letter W.
  • The modern Wordle uses two vowels.
  • A modern Wordle is a word that means to cause something bad.
Someone is playing Wordle on a smartphone.
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Today’s Wordle Answer

Unlucky? Don’t worry—you can’t get them all! If you just want to check out today’s Wordle answer to continue your streak, you can find it below.

The answer to today’s Wordle…


Today’s Wordle definition

And here’s what that means, according to our good friend ChatGPT:

To “damage” means to cause or cause something, often referring to damage or destruction. It is commonly used in phrases such as “wreak havoc”, which means to cause havoc or significant damage.

Tips for tomorrow’s Wordle

Wordle might seem like luck, but there are some good practices you can use to get as many clues as possible with just a few guesses, so you can figure out the last word before you run out of tries. The most important guess is your first, and the trick is to load the vowels (A, E, I, O, and U).

Some popular opening words that people have had luck with are ‘adieu’, ‘media’, ‘arise’ and ‘radio’. Just make sure you don’t choose words with double letters or you’ll waste precious guesswork. The goal here is to try to figure out which vowels the mystery word contains, then layer the regular consonants on top and zoom in from there.

Your second word, assuming the first one has given you a good starting point, should start to lean more heavily on regular consonants like R, S, and T. The better words we’ve seen here are “harsh,” “angry.” ”, and “to atone”. You never want to reuse any letters from the previous round that were grayed out—you know they’re not in the word.

Now that’s all settled, definitions taken care of, and you’re armed with a few tips to crack tomorrow’s Wordle, here are some games like Wordle you can try today.