
UK News Summary | Combat news

UK News Summary | Combat news

Combat choiceCorey Brennan learned the following notes from the European wrestling scene.

– Cara Noir personally invited him to his upcoming match with Charlie Evans at PROGRESS Chapter 173. This match is set to be the first intergender singles match in company history.

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– Subculture is expected to continue on the PROGRESS show after their upcoming return in Chapter 172.

– The talent who were involved in both the European Championship match and Doomsday match announcements on OTT over the weekend learned about the announcement day during the OTT Road To Tenth Anniversary event on October 12.

– Terry Thatcher is injured after this weekend’s OTT show but hopes to be back in time for the tenth anniversary show on October 26.

– Talent and promoters in the UK scene also echoed the litany of public posts in support of Ricky Knight Jr. in a private conversation with Fightful Select.

– We’re told that even though Thunder Rosa was only allowed to perform a few days before the October 15th show, Riot Cabaret was always confident that she would be allowed for their Thunder Road show and had no plans to replace her.

– The promotion was very pleased with the reception when Rosa won the women’s title, and company sources praised AEW for how lenient they were with Rosa’s run with the promotion. Riot Cabaret has big plans for Rosa’s world title shot.

– Sources at Riot Cabaret slammed Nina Samuels for her influence on the promotion after her world title run ended.

– The match between Michael Oku and Cara Noir was over a year and a half in the making, as Oku was supposed to be Noir’s first challenger for the Riot Cabaret World Championship before Noir suffered a leg injury.

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