
A charity couple from Norwich are looking for donations

A charity couple from Norwich are looking for donations

NORWICH (WBNG) — For more than 50 years, Meme and Planty the Bear have helped the Norwich community in need.

Now they need help too.

The roof of the laundry room at their home at 82 Rexford St. is collapsing. This may make it impossible for Meme and Bear to wash the kilos of clothes they receive as donations to give to the needy.

Denise Braziel, Mary Meirader and Heidi Moore are making sure that doesn’t happen. The group is holding a charity event for the couple to raise funds for repairs.

“As a community, we felt that we needed to help them. It’s our turn to repay what they have given,” Mireider said.

Mema and Vedmid are grateful for the group’s initiative.

“Their benefit should outweigh ours, and we’re very happy to have them help us,” Bear said.

The benefit will include live music, a 50/50 raffle, a bake sale and a Chinese auction. The group said the outpouring of love from the community has been great so far, but additional donations are always welcome.

“I’m looking forward to raising enough money to get that roof done and get them to where they need to be because these people have hearts the size of a state,” Moore said. their”.

Mema and Plenty Bear outside their home in Norwich.
Mema and Plenty Bear outside their home in Norwich.(WBNG)

The benefit will be held on November 2 at the Elks Club in Norwich, starting at 1:00 p.m. Entry fee is $5. The group says if you would like to make a donation, you can drop off your belongings at the club on the morning of the charity event.