
Dear Annie! My friend needs help with alcohol, but I’m afraid to suggest anything

Dear Annie! My friend needs help with alcohol, but I’m afraid to suggest anything

Dear Annie! I have a friend I’ll call “Scott”. We have known each other for about 15 years and have been retired for the last few years. He enjoyed working until he retired due to the closing of the plant.
Now Scott drinks from 8 in the morning until 2 or so in the afternoon. In the morning he is in a good mood, but by the age of 2 he has already fallen into absolute depression. He’s trying to tell you that the world is bad now compared to when we grew up. It’s so hard to listen to him talk about it.
I want to tell him he needs help, but I’m afraid to. I can’t even talk to him because of his problems. I know where to send him for help, but I don’t know how to send him there. — I want to return my friend

Dear Vont! Your concern for Scott is perfectly valid. It sounds like he’s been stuck in a bad place for quite some time and may not even realize how out of control things are.
When he is sober, share your worries with him. Let him know that you want to help him if he’s open to it, and that at the end of the day, you just want to see him happy again. You can’t make Scott stop drinking, but reminding him that he’s got you in his corner might do more good than you think. See also the meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. You will definitely hear useful advice from people who have been there.

Send your questions to Annie Lane at [email protected].