
Acting US Attorney Appoints MA Constituency Officer – Sentinel and Enterprise

Acting US Attorney Appoints MA Constituency Officer – Sentinel and Enterprise

BOSTON — Acting U.S. Attorney General Joshua Levy announced the appointment of a district election officer Thursday, naming the person to oversee the work of investigating Election Day criminal complaints, fraud and threats of violence against officials, all under the Department’s national program of justice

Assistant United States Attorney Lucy Sun has been appointed as a District Election Officer (DEO) in the District of Massachusetts, responsible for overseeing the handling of Election Day complaints of crimes, threats of violence against election officials or personnel, and election fraud in consultation with Department of Justice Headquarters in Washington.

“Every citizen should be able to vote without fear, intimidation or interference and have that vote counted in fair and free elections. Similarly, election officials and staff must be able to work without unlawful threats of violence. The Department of Justice will always work tirelessly to protect the integrity of the election process,” Acting US Attorney Levy said.

The Department of Justice plays an important role in deterring and combating discrimination and intimidation at polling stations, threats of violence against polling station officials and workers, and election fraud. The Department will address these violations wherever they occur. The Department’s multi-year Election Day Program furthers these goals and also aims to ensure public confidence in the election process by providing local contacts within the Department to notify the public of potential violations of federal election law.

Federal law protects against crimes such as threats of violence against election officials or staff, voter intimidation or bribery, vote buying and selling, voter impersonation, vote count tampering, ballot box tampering, and voter marking on ballots against or without their will. participation

It also contains specific safeguards to protect the rights of voters and provides that they can vote without interference, including intimidation and other actions designed to prevent or prevent people from voting or voting for a candidate of their choice. The Voting Rights Act also protects the right of voters to mark their own ballot or to have assistance from a person of their choice (if the voter needs assistance because of a disability or inability to read or write in English).

The public can direct concerns or complaints about election fraud, threats, intimidation and voting rights issues during the upcoming election to the US Attorney’s office in Boston at 833-634-8669.

In addition, the FBI will have special agents in every field office and permanent agency nationwide to receive allegations of election day fraud and other abuses. The local FBI office can be reached at 857-386-2000.

Complaints about possible violations of federal voting rights laws can also be filed directly with the Division of Civil Rights in Washington, DC by filling out a complaint form or by calling 800-253-3931.

If you experience violence or intimidation, call 911 immediately before contacting federal authorities. State and local police have primary jurisdiction over polling places and are almost always able to respond more quickly in emergency situations.

– Office of Acting US Attorney Joshua Levy