
Zogby Poll: God Help Whoever Wins This Time

Zogby Poll: God Help Whoever Wins This Time

This week The White House The tally is the last of the 2024 election season, and it ended with a resounding blow to the president Joe Biden.

Urging to stay in the White House basement, Biden instead overshadowed his backup’s biggest speech of her brief presidential campaign by calling supporters of the former president Donald Trump “waste”.

The nasty slur, similar to when Democratic nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton called Trump supporters “scumbags” in 2016, upended Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign.

And it caused both of our classmates to give Biden an “F” in a week in which the president also bit babies during the annual Halloween celebration.

Democratic pollster John Zogby said whoever wins the election, with only three days to go, will be in a mess: “God help whoever wins this one.”

Conservative analyst Jed Babbin cited other concerns raised by Biden and said, “If Trump is elected on Tuesday, he’s going to have a lot of cleaning to do.”

John Zogby
Grade: F

The week began with a supporter of former President Donald Trump insulting and angering Puerto Rican Americans, calling their impressively beautiful house a “floating island of trash.”

That Trump didn’t completely disavow this supporter was bad. The week ended with incumbent President Joe Biden calling Trump supporters “garbage.” He tried to wriggle out, but we all heard what we heard.

I do politics for a living and I’m sick of this rubbish. Next week, we’ll find out — or not find out — what happened. But it’s been a terrible election season. God help whoever wins this one.

Jed Babbin
Grade: F

With the presidential campaign down to its final few days, there was at least a little fun to be had. President Joe Biden’s shot at Trump supporters, calling them “garbage,” was the highlight of the week. Democrats continue to tell the biggest lie of the campaign Department of Justice wants illegal immigrants to vote in presidential elections.

It’s pretty obvious that Biden wants Vice President Kamala Harris to lose. How else can anyone explain that he calls every supporter of former President Donald Trump “garbage”? Over The White House trying to edit what he said, but there is a video that shows it perfectly clearly.

If that wasn’t bad enough for Harris, a day later Trump — a showman to the core — showed up in the passenger seat of a giant garbage truck with his campaign logo painted on the side. He hung out of the passenger side window and gave an impromptu press conference.

The democrats continues to rely on the biggest lie of the campaign: if republicans win, they will pass—and Trump will sign—a national abortion ban. The Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, which overturned Roe v. Wade, specifically placed abortion under state control. No national ban on abortion is possible. But the gullible, the gullible, and the gullible—and the media—all fall for the lie. As Mao Zedong said: a lie repeated a hundred times becomes the truth.

The Supreme Court rejected the Justice Department’s request to force Virginia to allow illegal aliens who self-identified as noncitizens to vote. Prudence is rare these days, but once upon a time it prevailed.

While this was happening, Harris’ campaign was handing out six-figure donations to groups that support defunding the police and reparations to black people to apologize for slavery. Harris said she thinks we should talk about reparations.

If you want to learn about Harris’s politics, you’ll never get it from her. But recent revelations tell us a lot.

Harris, according to reliable reports, ordered a review of years of intelligence briefings to determine whether they showed gender bias. It is more important to her that the correct pronouns are used than accurate intelligence briefings. And again, there’s Joe. His stream of economy-killing legislation is about to hit an all-time high for any presidency.

To top it all off, the Secretary of State Anthony Blinken ends up in the Middle East again, trying to appease the Iranians by convincing the Israelis to initiate a cease-fire in Lebanon. The Israelis — and the bad guys — ignore him, as usual.

If Trump is elected on Tuesday, he will have a lot of cleaning to do.


John Zogby is the founder of Zogby Survey and a senior partner at Strategies by John Zogby. His latest book, Beyond the Race: How to Read Polls and Why We Shouldhas just been released. His podcast with son and managing partner and researcher Jeremy Zogby can be heard here. Follow him on X @ZogbyStrategies.

Jed Babbin is a Washington Examiner co-author and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense in the administration of former President George W. Bush. Follow him on X @jedbabbin.