
What messages can be carried at the polls in South Carolina | Palmetto Politics

What messages can be carried at the polls in South Carolina | Palmetto Politics

South Carolina officials emphasize that there is rules regarding any political messages which voters can wear at the polling station on their clothes, hats, shirts or buttons.

In addition, the Office of Law Enforcement is reminding voters that it is illegal to take so-called “selfies” of voters who capture their choice on a phone camera.

The rules regarding political messages at the polling station are intended to eliminate on-the-spot campaigning or voter intimidation. For example: It is forbidden to wear things that emphasize a particular candidate for the position.

If you do, you will likely be asked to turn it inside out or return it to your vehicle.

Wearing clothing with more generalized political content, such as a “Let’s Go Brandon” hat or a Black Lives Matter t-shirt, is legal because it does not include the names of a specific candidate for office.

Posts related to MAGA are prohibited because it is a slogan related to Donald Trump’s official presidential slogan.

Also, Kamala Harris’ recognized slogan, such as “When we fight, we win” will not be allowed.

But you can wear vintage promotional items, such as a button from past presidential races, such as the Goldwater ’64 pin or Jimmy Carter’s 1976 shirt.

No one is allowed to intimidate voters and interfere in the election process. If this happens, notify the survey manager immediately.

SLED’s warning about ballot selfies is part of a state law that prohibits giving someone anything of value for their vote because ballot selfies can be used as proof of results.

The last day of early voting is Saturday, November 2, from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Election day is November 5.