In a tragic incident, an autorickshaw driver lost his life after being hit by a car driven by a Delhi Police constable in East Delhi’s Kalyanpuri area. According to information released, the incident took place on Thursday (October 31) evening when two vehicles — a car driven by a constable and an autorickshaw driven by the deceased — collided head-on near Trilokpuri Road.
While officials said the autorickshaw driver, identified as 24-year-old Harsh, was immediately admitted to Lal Bahadur Shastri Hospital in a critical condition, the driver of the car, identified as Constable Varun Yadav, remained at the scene.
Talking about the details of the incident, DCP East Delhi Apoorva Gupta said, “A man was admitted to Lal Bahadur Shastri Hospital late last night in a critical condition. It became known to the local police that this person was involved in a road accident and was. When we arrived at the scene, we found a car in which two people were traveling in a head-on collision, as a result of which the victim received serious injuries.
“We detained the driver of the car and took him in for investigation. According to preliminary information, both were driving in opposite directions. We immediately conducted a medical examination of the driver, including a breathalyzer, which showed that his alcohol level was. For further investigation, the sample will be sent to the Forensic Science Laboratory (LSL).
Notably, the constable, who is now in custody, is stationed at the Mayur Vihar police station and was on his way to attend to a case under his jurisdiction at the time of the accident. In addition, additional details of the case are being clarified.