
Your Pisces monthly horoscope for November

Your Pisces monthly horoscope for November

the word fish under the planet and fish

Your Pisces monthly horoscope for NovemberGetty/Margie Risciotto

Add these dates to your G-Cal:

  • November 1: New Moon in Scorpio

  • November 3: Mars enters Leo

  • November 11: Venus enters Capricorn

  • November 15: Full moon in Taurus

  • November 19: Pluto enters Aquarius

  • November 21: The Sagittarius season begins

  • November 25: Mercury retrograde begins in Sagittarius

  • November 30: New Moon in Sagittarius

The future looks bright, Pisces! Scorpio season always helps to see the glass as half full. You feel that limitless possibilities are opening up before you! You also crave more experiences and adventures. The next few weeks will help you form new ideas that you want to pursue. This may be a good time to sign up for a workshop, focus on a writing project, or showcase your expertise.

The New Moon in Scorpio on November 1 helps change your perspective. Conversations that take place under these moon rays help solve problems, learn promising news and take more risks! Mercury, planet of the mind, moves into Sagittarius on November 2, and you’re thinking about your long-term goals. Is what you’re working on still aligned or is there another vocation that has caught your eye? You may learn important news about your workplace or perhaps you are negotiating a salary increase.

You’re dealing with drama in your friendships and romantic relationships when Mars in Cancer clashes with Pluto in Capricorn on November 3. You may also experience strong feelings of jealousy or deal with power struggles in some of your relationships. If you’ve been pursuing a particular goal, this can feel like a make-it-or-break-it moment. You may be asked to face some of your fears, but if you push through, you will receive the blessings you seek on the other side!

Signs you are most romantic with

Photo: Getty/Margie RischiottoPhoto: Getty/Margie Rischiotto

Photo: Getty/Margie Rischiotto

Signs you are most sexually compatible with

Photo: Getty/Margie RischiottoPhoto: Getty/Margie Rischiotto

Photo: Getty/Margie Rischiotto

Think you’re not compatible? You could be wrong

Photo: Getty/Margie RischiottoPhoto: Getty/Margie Rischiotto

Photo: Getty/Margie Rischiotto

It’s time to get noticed when Venus in Sagittarius connects with Jupiter in Gemini later that day. You may learn some news to celebrate, such as a promotion, a new family member in your life, or the adoption of a fur baby. It will also help you stand out from the crowd, so now is the time to take a bold step in the direction of your dreams! Ahead, Mars moves into Leo on November 3, and you’ll need to plan your time more strategically as you take on more projects at work and commitments in your personal life. It can also cause minor dramas with co-workers or people who want to micromanage you. You will have to protect your free time a little more. On the other hand, the more you take on yourself, the better you become aware of which habits need to be changed.

Venus, the planet of relationships, moves into Capricorn on November 11, connecting you with like-minded people. You focus on spending time with people who make you feel seen and appreciated. This is a great time for new relationships, self-discovery and communication. If you’re single and ready to date, you can meet someone with potential through your direct messages or dating apps. Couples are more interested in attending social events together or going on double dates.

The Full Moon in Taurus on November 15 will bring you some amazing information. You may make a breakthrough or share something that shocks others. Today’s conversations are not ordinary at all. You become more aware of who and what to let go when Pluto moves into Aquarius on November 19. This is the beginning of a 20-year cycle that will help you access unexplored parts of your subconscious. The theme will be deep healing work and you will be able to hone your intuition. Paying attention to your dreams and spending time alone will lead to profound changes.

You will once again attract attention when the Sun enters Sagittarius on November 21. Sagittarius season can be a great time to realize your dreams, achieve your goals, and gain attention. You are focused on your life path and the mark you are leaving on the world. If you are not progressing in your current career, you may want to consider going back to school or exploring a new field of work altogether.

A few days later, on November 25, Mercury retrograde begins in Sagittarius. This will put you in an even more introspective mood when it comes to your vocation. Old colleagues may return with job offers, and you may hear about major players in your past—exes, family members you’ve lost touch with, and old friends. Talks about a new job or a raise can lead to temporary setbacks or delays – don’t lose hope!

You feel confident about what you bring to the table when the Sun in Sagittarius meets Mars in Leo on November 27. Despite Mercury retrograde, you achieve some of your more challenging goals and gain recognition in the process. Modern energy is incredibly productive, so use it as you see fit.

The month ends with a New Moon in Sagittarius on November 30, giving rise to a new idea or goal you want to pursue. This can be a great time to create a vision board or visualize the future you want to create. You feel hopeful about what lies ahead and are willing to put in the effort to achieve it!

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