
Application for BSPHCL AEE, JEE and other posts will start today; check the details here

Application for BSPHCL AEE, JEE and other posts will start today; check the details here

The Bihar State Power Holding Company Limited (BSPHCL) will start the application process for the post of Assistant Executive Engineer (GTO) and others under Advt. 06/2024 (Internal). Eligible candidates can fill the application form on the official website until November 15.

The promotion provides employment for 553 vacancies. For more detailed information, candidates can refer to the official notification.

Direct link to the official notification.

Steps to Apply for BSPHCL AEE, JEE and Other Posts

  1. Visit the official website
  2. On the main page, click the program link
  3. Fill in your details
  4. Submit an application
  5. Print it for future reference

Meanwhile, BSPHCL is also recruiting Assistant Executive Engineer (GTO) under Advt. No. 01/2024, JEE (GTO) by author. No. 02/2024, correspondent and shop assistant for Adv. No. 03/2024, junior accountant for Adv. No. 04/2024 and technician III grade according to author. No. 05/2024 post Recruitment is expected to fill 4016 vacancies. EarlierBSPHCL has notified 2610 JEE, AEE and other posts.

For more detailed information, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.