
Iowa’s husband accused of stabbing and installing a house for a fire pleads guilty for 3 out of 11 charges

Iowa’s husband accused of stabbing and installing a house for a fire pleads guilty for 3 out of 11 charges

Hull, Iowa (KTIV) – A new request was filed for the Corps, a man of Iowa, who faces accusation of arson and attempted murder.

The twenty-eight-year-old Homees-Badillo has pleaded guilty of three of his eleven accusations on Monday, February 17th. He pleaded guilty of one arson and two circumstances of will in injury, which led to bodily harm, according to the data, according to court documents were submitted one day after the request.

The other eight charges faced by Gomez-Badillo were released, including two points of attempted murder. The complete list of original Gomez-Badillo meeting can be found below:

  • Two points of attempted murder
  • Extracting the first degree
  • Arson of the second degree
  • Two points of attack while participating in a crime
  • Two cases of deliberate injury that led to serious injuries
  • Interference with official action
  • Possession of a controlled substance
  • Possession cannabidiol (thc oil)

The hearing of the sentence was set on Monday, March 3, at 10 am in the District Court of the SIU district.

Horge Gomez-Badillo
Horge Gomez-Badillo(Sheriff’s SII SIU SHIF DUE)

IN October 2024Gomez-Badillo pleaded guilty of all charges in the District Court of the SIU. These accusations come from a fire in a stab and house On Monday, October 14 in Hall, Iowa.

As previously reported, SIU Sheriff’s office received several 911 calls around 3:30 pm, which stated that there was a violation on the 5th Street and Division.

As soon as the deputies arrived, three people were found and two of them were injured. The victims were taken to the hospital for treatment.

According to complaints and a statement at that time, Gomez-Badillo joined the victims and cut them. He then reportedly followed two victims outside the house where he continued to attack them.

The 3-year-old man was reportedly in the house during the incident.

Before the incident, the authorities say that Gomez-Badillo went out on Facebook, where the audience could see the smoke against the background of the video. Later, the authorities learned that he set fire to his home.

He was booked to the prison of the SII County after the incident.

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