
Jason W. Turtittt does not recognize guilty of the murder of his father in 2021

Jason W. Turtittt does not recognize guilty of the murder of his father in 2021

Jason Turtyllott is accused of premeditated first degree murder for the death of Thomas Turtilot’s father.

Visconsin Rapids-26-year-old man of necosis pleaded not guilty on Monday at 2021 the death of his father.

Jason W. Turtillott, who appeared at the previous hearing on Monday morning removed from prison, threatens accusations of the premeditated murder of the first degree for the death of Thomas S. Turtilot, 58 years, July 22, 2021.

Jason Turtyllott’s lawyer, Gary Kryshak, came into his client’s recognition after a preliminary hearing.

During a preliminary hearing on Monday, a police detective of the necosis police Brian Machon took a position. At 20:50 on July 22, 2021, police responded to a report about a man without a pulse and not breathing in 100 blocks of CrestView lane.

Jason Turtillott met the first officer who arrived at the front door and took him to where Thomas Turtilot was on the floor in the living room, said Machon. The officer saw that Thomas Turtillott was cut over his eye and on his face. There was a lot of blood under Thomas Thomas Thomas, Machon said.

Emergency care techniques were concerned about Thomas Turtilott’s injuries, Machon said. When the deputy coroner arrived at the scene, he stated that Thomas Turtillott died of a blunt injury to the head.

Jason Turtillott told officers that he had performed CPR about his father for more than half an hour, but Jason Turtillott found no signs that he was panting or exhausted by the CPR solo. Machon said that when officers do CPR, they make a person who does so in about two minutes as it depletes. The body of Thomas Turtilott also showed no sign that someone made CPR on it, Machon said.

The autopsy showed that Thomas Turtillott died of numerous blunt forces to the head, said Machon. The injuries were in the line. Thomas Turtilot also had ribs, but not from the one who makes the SPR, said Machon. The breaks were probably taken as Thomas Turtillott was lying on the ground and something hit him, Machon said.

Jason Turtillott told officers that he had slept from 14:00 to 20pm, but his phone showed that he used it several times during the time he said he was sleeping.

Jason Turtyllott’s sister said she went to the house where her brother and father lived twice on that day. She said she saw Thomas Turtillott, her father, lay on the floor, but saw that he was breathing, Machon said.

The son of his sister was at the residence of the day when his grandfather died, Machon said. The grandson said he heard Jason and Thomas Turtilot argue. He also heard Thomas Turtillott said something that sounded like “Oui” several times. The grandson wept when his mother took him from his house and said that he was sorry for his grandfather, who should live there with Jason Turtillott, said Machon.

Machon stated that Jason Turtyllott’s statements at the time of his father’s death and those that were made during further interviews were inconsistent.

Wood Judge Nicholas Brazo -Jr. revealed that there was sufficient evidence that the crime was probably committed, and Jason Turtillott probably undertook to continue the case. He planned a pre -trial conference for May 23. Brazio stated that he did not expect the lawyers to be ready for court at the time, but Brazio wanted to constantly update the case. Jason Turtyllott is kept on bail of $ 1 million.

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