
Meet a teenager “human calculator” who beat the six world records

Meet a teenager “human calculator” who beat the six world records

Aarian Shukla-14-year-old-mathematical genius, which is originally from Maharashtra. He left a large audience without a tongue by installing the fastest time to add 50 five -digit numbers on the Italian TV series GWR LO Show Dei.

Aarian Shukla beat the world records in the fastest calculations

Teens make India proud in various fields- sports and education. They are the best thing in what they do. Now these teenagers have made their footprint, named in the GWR world record. One of them-Aaryan Shukla, who is a 14-year-old “human calculator”.

Who is Aarnian looking?

Aarian Shukla-14-year-old-mathematical genius, which is originally from Maharashtra. He left a large audience without a tongue by installing the fastest time to add 50 five -digit numbers on the Italian TV series GWR LO Show Dei.

The calculation was only 25.19 seconds, which means that it took 0.5 seconds to calculate one addition! This approach was called the “human calculator”.

Calculation at this speed is impossible for billions of people on Earth, infact, it is as good as a calculator, so it was given this name. Aaryan Shukla did not use any electronic device, no handles and paper. The young mathematician goes beyond what is just a mathematics lover, and maybe he is a passionate lover of mathematics.

Competitions of the most difficult

GWR invited him to Dubai to take on the most difficult records in the world of mental calculation. It’s his records:

The fastest time to mentally add 100 four -digit numbers – 30.9 sec

The fastest time to mentally add 200 four -digit numbers – 1 min 9.68 sec

The fastest time to mentally add 50 five -digit numbers – 18.71 sec

The fastest time to mentally divide the 20-digit number by ten-digit number (set of ten) -5 min 42 sec

The fastest time to mentally multiply two five -digit numbers (set of ten) – 51.69 sec

The fastest time to mentally multiply two eight -digit numbers (set of ten) – 2 min 35.41 sec

How could Arian Shukla achieve this?

From the moment of completion of this entry, he practices daily, competing and pushed by his boundaries. Talking to GWR, Ealyan explained his daily routine. “Daily practice is one of the important aspects of preparing for competitions (…), so I practice about five and six hours a day.”

In adolescent mental mathematics, Arian performs incredibly complex calculations at incredible speeds. Despite his intense schedule of daily practice and school work, he emphasizes the importance of recreation to maintain a healthy balance in life.

“Sahajja yoga Meditation helps me to keep peace and focus,” he said.

Aanyan also loves to read books, especially genres of adventures and secrets, playing video games and cricket. Aran’s parents knew his talents at a very early stage. His mother said: “From childhood he was very good (…) with numbers. He gladly studied and play with numbers. At the age of six, he began the practice of mental calculation, and it was very good, so we started conducting some research on this.

“(…) At the age of eight, we went to the international competition, and he won medals and trophies that were great achievements.”

Aanyan is even one of the members of the Founding Council of the Global Mental Calculators (GMCA).