
StillWater Construction Subordinate pleads guilty of tax fraud

StillWater Construction Subordinate pleads guilty of tax fraud

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The RCAO District Prosecutor’s Office announced that the StillWater construction contractor had pleaded guilty of tax fraud. Todd Koniegson, a contractor for masonry who owns a business -renewing business, kept the employee and did not announce the income.

“This resolution is the culmination of multifaceted joint investigations and prosecutions to hold the business owner responsibility for the promise he made to his employees, as well as to Minnesota,” said Ramsey County Prosecutor John Choi in news.

Choi’s office became one of the first offices of the district prosecutor in Minnesota, who hired a full -time investigative salary theft, which gave priority as such. He began the investigation after receiving reports that Stilwater laying was unable to pay wages to his employees in a timely manner, and not to fulfill contractual obligations to small business, churches and non -profit organizations in the area of ​​cities.

The investigation arose outside the work that business was carrying out the historic Masonic Church of St. Paul. Subsequently, the office filed a criminal complaint against Konigson.

WITH Rcao It was joined by the State Department of Revenue to investigate tax issues related to Konigson business. He found that Kongson did not report at least $ 2.5 million in time from tax periods from 2017 to 2022. Income also found that Konigson does not report about half a million dollars in wages for salary for maintaining tax goals. It is estimated that he numbered a tax liability of at least $ 106,903.72.

Koniegson pleaded guilty to one calculation of not reporting on taxes and the related salary that his business owed. He received a criminal punishment in a three -year probationary term.

In addition, Coniegson must lose his state contractor’s license. Koniegson cannot apply for a license or registration issued by the Ministry of Labor and Industry of the Minnesota. He also cannot take the position of trusted, managerial, ownership or supervisory authority with other licensed contractors of residential buildings, licensed reconstructions of residential buildings, or other organizations that perform a laying in the Minnesota. Konigson must pay a restitution of $ 70,70,18,00 for income. There are also other conditions for the sentence.