
A person who shot down Ralf Yarla, a black teenager who mistakenly rang in a call plead

A person who shot down Ralf Yarla, a black teenager who mistakenly rang in a call plead

Kansas -City (KCTV/Grey News) – The homeowner has adopted an agreement on the guilt in Ralph Yarla, a black teenager, in the case that attracted national attention and updated the discussion on self -defense, weapons and race policies.

Andrew Lester pleaded guilty on Friday in the afternoon on a lesser accusation of the second degree attack under the guilt agreement. According to the Associated Press, Leicester was originally set up for the next week on charges of first degree attack.

The Yarla family said that this step indicates a step in the right direction, but more justice is required.

“Although it denotes a step to accountability, true justice requires the consequences that reflect the gravity of his actions – all that is less, would be a failure to admit the harm that he caused,” – said Jarla Kleo Zagbe’s mother in a statement.

Ralph Yarl
Ralph Yarl(KCTV5)

Barel was shot dead on April 13, 2023 after Lester’s door.

According to the Kansas City Police Department, 16-year-old Yarl at the time believed that he was the home of friends of the younger brothers, whom he intended to take away.

The family members said that when Yarl rang in a call, Leicester answered the revolver and opened fire. Police said Lester hit the jarle twice, once in his head and once into his hand, while allegedly muttered the words: “Do not come here.”

Yarl survived the shooting and managed to run to the neighbor’s house for help. He was hospitalized and released in three days.

Lester was taken into custody. He was later accused of attacking the first degree and armed with criminal acts. He did not plead guilty of charging on April 19, 2023.

Last year, the Lester Defense team argued that his health and severity of the psyche were “reduced” and asked for a mental health exam. However, according to the results of the exam, Lester considered it necessary to court.

Andrew Leicester, an 84-year-old white man, is accused of attacking the first degree for ...
Andrew Leicester, an 84-year-old white man, was accused of attacking the first degree for the shooting of 16-year-old Ralph Yarla, a black teenager who mistakenly went to the man’s home to pick up his younger brothers.(Source: Kansas City Police Department through CNN)

According to the Associated Press when he was asked during the trial on Friday, if he is bad health, Leicester answered so.

Leicester’s lawyers claimed that he was now 86-year-old with self-defense. The authorities reported that Leicester claimed that he had responded to the door with a firearm in his hand because he lived alone. He also said he believes that Yarl is trying to break into his home.

According to the advocate of the prosecutor’s office of the glue district, a five -year prison punishment appeals, according to the lawyer of the district, Glue Zakari Thompson.

“Self-defense has restrictions,” Thomas told reporters after hearing.

At the time of shooting, Barel was a student of honor and He headed the steel march orchestra as the leader of the section. He was also a member of the Technology Student Association, Science Olympiad team and a competitive jazz team.

Jarl returned to school for the older year, where he was named in Missouri’s nationwide group in 2024 as the second chair of the Bas-Climate, a second honor for him. He went through the graduation stage in May 2024 and then went as honorary Will pass the distance to brain injury Race. He went to the race a year earlier, a few weeks after he was released from the hospital.

According to the Associated Press, Yarl is now a freshman in Texas A&M, where he is a member of the marching group and ROTC school.

A year after the shooting mother’s mother, Cleo Zagbe, filed a civil claim Against Lester and the Highland Acres Homes Association. He argued that HOA was or had to know about Lester’s predisposition to violence and racial animus.