
Kansas -City, who shot Ralf Yarla, will avoid trial, pleads guilty in the attack | Khur

Kansas -City, who shot Ralf Yarla, will avoid trial, pleads guilty in the attack | Khur

Andrew Leicester, a man who shot and wounded Ralph Yarla in April 2023 after a teenager randomly rang in a call, pleaded guilty on Friday on a lesser accusation. This means that it will avoid the test that had to start next week.

Leicester pleaded guilty in the attack of class D 2, which is punishable by one of the years of detention. His sentence is set on March 7 at 10am

With a request of lesster who was charged with a first degree attack And armed criminal acts will avoid trial, previously started on February 18. He At first pleading Not guilty.

History has attracted national attention and loud condemnation from many difficult weights of civil rights, including former first lady Michelle Obama, who criticized “Unobstructed access to firearms“.

A black teenager dressed in a black suit jacket looks straight forward, holding the wind tool. In the background, members of the secondary school group.

Faith Spoonmore



Ralf Yarl was shot dead on Thursday, April 13, when he mistakenly rang at the door of the house in the county. He collected his brothers who were at the Quarter.

Lester shot the jar twice. One of the bullets grazed the head of the jar, and the other hit him by the hand. He recovered from brain injury and dealt with grueling headaches, but last spring he graduated from high school steel.

Since the beginning of his court speeches, Andrew Leicester has always been hunched using a pedestrian or cane, dressed in a baggy khaki and a jacket.

Leicester was 84 at the time of shooting, lived alone, and recently underwent heart surgery and knee replacement, according to the previous hearing. He rarely spoke in court, except for a response yes or no judge.

Lester’s lawyer, Steve Salmon, has long argued that the jarl grabbed the glass storm door, trying to enter. Lester had a share of a second to make a decision – and chose a mistake.

“Mr. Lester did not have to wait for him to be attacked by a stranger in the dark,” said Salmon, who called the shooting “a horrific event but not a criminal event.”

In 911 calls that played at Previous Lester hearingHe can be heard by saying that someone has rang his “damn call.” Then he said to the police, “He wanted in my house, but I shot him.”

Ralph Jarla's supporters who wear t -shirts who said that

Ralph Yarla’s supporters who wear T-shirts who said that “the door was calling is not a crime”, on June 1, 2023, they visited the glue in court.

County Prosecutor Zakhari Thompson stated that the law allows the use of a gun to protect his home, but Lester was already standing behind closed and closed storms when he shot the jaundice.

“You have no right to shoot from an unarmed baby twice,” Thompson said. “Ralph was unarmed. Ralph was revealed. He is cruelly not brave on the door. “

Police Detective Kansas -City Dennis Packet, who reacted to a call of 911 nights Ralph Yarla was shot dead, said Lester was very old and very frightened. “He was afraid of parties on the street – he couldn’t resist him,” the package said.