
Moscow claims that Ukrainian intelligence services are planning false flag attacks on foreign ships and Russian opposition data – Medusa

Moscow claims that Ukrainian intelligence services are planning false flag attacks on foreign ships and Russian opposition data – Medusa

The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) stated in a statement published on Tuesday that Ukrainian intelligence services are preparing for a “series of high -profile anti -Russian attacks of false flag” in the near future “with the support of their Western handlers.”

According to the agency, one of these plans involves the use of Russian naval mines to create an explosion directed at a foreign ship in the Baltic Sea. “Moscow will be blamed for the incident,” SVR said.

The agency claimed that this “operation” aims to induce NATO to block Russia’s access to the Baltic Sea “under the pretext of ensuring maritime security”. He also argued that Ukraine was trying to “drag the Alliance into a direct military conflict with Russia.”

In addition, SVR argued that the main directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (HUR) in coordination with European special services is to “prepare attacks on members of non-systemic opposition and entrepreneurs living abroad”. He argued that the responsibility for these attacks would be entrusted to Russian intelligence services.

According to SVR, the Ukrainian authorities seek to interfere with the “launch of the process of resolving peace” to “save themselves”.

The Ukrainian authorities do not comment on the claims of SVR.