
Teens Tallahassee make financial trips, study money management

Teens Tallahassee make financial trips, study money management

Tallahassee, Florida (WCTV) – a group of teenagers from the Tallahas Center for girls entered the first commerce credit union to open their first deposit certificates.

Zakiya Heins, 17 years old, was the first to sign her name.

“Keeping is important, especially in the future, when you want to do something you want to do without help,” Heines said. “The main reason I want to do all this is to make my mom proud.”

Young women are part of the program called “Expanding your Financial Life”, which is a cooperation between a credit union fund and a non -profit consulting of working together.

“The purpose of this program is to provide young women with the knowledge and tools needed to make reasonable financial decisions,” Natalie Rakli Parish said.

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Young women learned about daily budgeting using credit cards, pay taxes, investing, buying insurance and more. Teens went for several trips, including one to the grocery store and one to buy toys for a recent holiday occasion.

“I feel that this program certainly helped me because I just wanted to spend money like crazy,” Akeel Barnes said.

Barnes says she is now focused on savings for college and dreaming to open her own business one day.

Girls are ready to finish expanding your financial life program in March.

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