
Gllandel police; A woman uses a child as a human shield, says complaint

Gllandel police; A woman uses a child as a human shield, says complaint

The woman in Miloku was accused of neglecting the baby after prosecutors say she used a one -year -old child as a human shield when she faced the police.

29-year-old Romeshi Allen is accused of the incident on January 30:

  • Resistance or obstruction of the officer
  • Neglect of a child (no harm and child under 6 years or disability)
  • Neglect the child (the specified damage did not take place)

Details of the incident

What do we know:

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According to a criminal complaint, on Thursday, January 30, Glendale Police were reported by the stolen Hyundai Elantra, heading north to Port -Washington -Road near Hampton Avenue.

Only after 4pm did the officer see the vehicle and turn on his sirens and lights and began to pursue the vehicle. Other officers set the wand stops on the roadway.

Officers prepared for a high risk stop. The officers ordered the driver identified as Romesha Allen, put their hands out the window. She was told to do it several times before she opened the door, turned her body and laid her legs out of the door. Then she came out of the car and started screaming at the officers, on a complaint.

The complaint is said to have been ordered from the car several more times, but refused, instead he shouted at the officers. The officers told her that she was driving a stolen vehicle. After all, it came out of the vehicle and repeatedly reached the vehicle, moving things and reaching for things. Officers have repeatedly told her not to reach the vehicle and go back to them, on a complaint.

Allen continued to tell the officers that she had children with her, and the officers told her to go back to them, and the officers would be prone to her children. Allen continued to shout at the officers and returned to the vehicle and closed the door. The officers saw it reached the inside of the vehicle until they continued to give the teams to get out and stop reaching.

After about nine minutes, the officers unfolded the pepper balls into the vehicle.

At this point, according to the complaint, Allen left a vehicle with a one -year -old child, using this child as a human shield to officers and ran from officers. Then Allen threw his phone to the ground and charged officers, shouted and cursed on them.

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The 11-year-old child also left the vehicle, crying. Both children were noticeably upset about the complaint.

The complaint continues to say that the search of the vehicle was discovered by a gun, which was unsecured in a bag for diapers in the middle seat within the reach of children and Allen. Officers also found a bag containing a green deciduous vegetable substance.

The vehicle was confirmed by the stolen from the enterprise.

Court proceedings

Whats next:

On February 3, Romesh Allen had its original appearance in court. The signature bond was set at $ 3,000.

She has a preliminary hearing scheduled for February 20.

Source: The Miluoki District Office has provided a Fox6 criminal complaint. The court information is available on the Visconsin Court.

Crime and public safetynewsglendale