
Court delays: Time to reflect

Court delays: Time to reflect

“There is no escape from the muddy corridors of this maze.

Since the beginning of the time, I watched the victims of the Eastern Gate-

And then only smoke comes from the other end.

On the ricket wooden benches, the expected pilgrims left their bones to gather offspring.

The air echoes with the crying of those who first knocked on these doors, centuries ago.


The long way kills a lover, cancer and applicant.

I am old now and exploded, my son – I lost somewhere in these catacombs

So enter you from the Eastern Gate — I already see your son and his-all in the queue that released the same petition for quick processing

I can ever bring a grandson here to let him see your catacombs

So that he never pass by your front gate, which the words shine;

Sign in just to be buried alive. “