
Kingdom will come liberation 2 System of Conservation and Savior Schnapp

Kingdom will come liberation 2 System of Conservation and Savior Schnapp

I wonder how to save in the kingdom, what will be the liberation 2? The SchnApps Savior is an important potion that players need to save the game, but it is a limited resource. In addition, there are other ways to save progress, such as sleep and mission, but the opportunity to save when you like is what many players will still want (of course).

In view of this, we will look at all the nuances of the KCD2 saving system below, as well as how to create SchnApps our own rescuers on alchemy tables. Here’s how to save the game in Kingdom Come Devensance 2, and what you need to know about the power of Schnapps.

How to save the game in the kingdom come liberation 2

System of Conservation in the kingdom comes the liberation 2

(Image Credit: Deep Silver/Plane)

THERE ARE Four paths To save your progress in the kingdom that will come to liberation 2, they are all laid out below.

  • Drink SchnApps Savior.
    • These consumables immediately store the game at any time, which allows you to restart. The SchnApps Savior can be purchased from certain pharmacists and some merchants found on enemies, or brew yourself at the alchemy tables if you have a recipe. Schnapps of highest quality also provides temporary health and bonuses for statistics.
  • Sleep in bed.
    • Sleep over any period of time creates a point of savings when you wake up. It is good to have available beds, scattered on the map you use, but you can always rent a room from a tavern or even find abandoned camps from the bedroom rolls you use.
  • Get a mission mission.
    • Kingdom Come Deventrence 2 has a auto defense system that runs at certain key points – usually at the beginning and end of quests, as well as certain basic moments in the midst of them (for example, just before the stiff meetings of the boss or at entering the new area). These auto intelligence is usually a little more liberal in the basic pursuit of history, but less in side quests and tasks. You also get savings when traveling between different regions through Caravans (if you don’t know how to do it, we have a guide How to go back to previous regions in the kingdom comes liberation 2.).
  • Throw the game from the pause menu.
    • The Save and Throw the Pause menu will save you when you want, and you can technically restart, saving at any moment, which is a useful advantage that liberation does not emphasize much. However You can only have one saving file made as follows. If you have saved and quit again, it deletes all other “Save and Throw” files.

How to get Savior Schnapp in the kingdom will come liberation 2

System of Conservation in the kingdom comes the liberation 2

(Image Credit: Deep Silver/Plane)

SCHNAPPS SPACER IN THE Kingdom comes the liberation of 2 – one of the most important resources, and You can usually buy them from most merchants, although with limited stocks. Troskvitz sells them, many herbs will sell them, and you can find them as objects on some enemies during robbery.

Location of Savior SchnApps recipes

System of Conservation in the kingdom comes the liberation 2

(Image Credit: Deep Silver/Plane)

The best way to get SchnApps Savior is to create your own alchemy table that you can do endlessly (if you assume that you have herbs). You will need a recipe that is You are automatically given when you fulfill the early sequence with Bozena and Pavlena, just before your initial loans. Read the recipe in your inventory and you can create it on alchemical tables for the rest of the game.

How to Create Savior Schnapp on Alchemical Tables

System of Conservation in the kingdom comes the liberation 2

(Image Credit: Deep Silver/Plane)

To brew your own SCHNAPPS Savior because of alchemy, you will need 1x nettle and 2x Beladonna, And to bring them to the alchemy table (you can also use dried versions, although it is more difficult to make quality shnapps). Once there, do the following:

  1. Fill the boiler with wine.
  2. Grind 2 handfuls of belladonna for mortar and pestle and put it in a dish, not in a cauldron.
  3. Put 1 handful of nettle directly in the boiler.
  4. Install the boiler to boil 2 turns of the hourglass, then remove it from heat.
  5. Put the grounding dish in the cauldron.
  6. Boil it again for 1 rotation of the hourglass, then remove it back from the heat.
  7. Take the violet from the left shelf and pour the potion directly into it.