
Every text Justin Baldoni states that Blake Lively “excludes” from her claim – entertainment

Every text Justin Baldoni states that Blake Lively “excludes” from her claim – entertainment

Justin Baldoni continued his public enmity with his It ends with us The corporal Blake Lively, having published a list of texts he claims that she “excluded” from her claim against him.

In 2024, The lively filed his initial claim against Baldonaffirming the sexual harassment and campaign of “social manipulation” against her, with Director who issues a lawsuit against the actorHer husband Ryan Reynoldsand the publicist in January for a number of complaints, including slander.

Following this Baldon came out Raw scenes scene from the movieas well as nine text messages that he claims that he “proves” him in a “smear campaign”.

The couple starred in romantic domestic violence drama, it ends with us (Jose Perez through Getty Images)

The couple starred in romantic domestic violence drama, it ends with us (Jose Perez through Getty Images)

Both Lively and Balloni’s Legal Teams denied the accusations of both claims, with The Baldoni team calls the initial accusations of The gossip girl Star “categorically false”While the Lively team He called it “another chapter in the gaming book of the abuser.”

In response to the leakage of framesHer legal representatives argued that they believe that “every frame of the released personnel confirms the letter that Ms Lively described in paragraph 48 of her complaint.”

And yesterday (February 3), Both teams spoke in court for a previous meetingWith the official trial date – March 9, 2026.

However, in the last update by yesterday’s date of court, however, Baldoni Lawyer, Brian Friedman, The web site released called ‘Thelawsuitinfo‘in which he included Detailed time scale on 126 pages of “relevant events” including numerous impregnated text messages.

Liyvel lawyer, Michael Gotlib narrated Daily mail. The web site was created to “influence the proceedings and perception of the public with” incendiary content “.

Among them is a number of text exchanges that Baldoni accuses lively on context in his civilian complaint against him.

“True is your protection”

One text exchange is shown that Justin Baldoni and his PR team, in particular, a PR manager named Jennifer Abel, discussing the “Document”, was sent about Blake Lively, which was marked with “Scenario”.

This includes Baldoni, who said he was “not in love with the document they sent,” and “not sure (he) felt protection (he) felt on a call.”

Text exchange version in her complaint (New York Times)

Text exchange version in her complaint (New York Times)

In the end, Baldoni says he feels that “the way is not so much protection, and they feel strong as she is about to do something a little about what everyone was thinking at first.”

The screenshots from the Baldon then claim that the next message from Abel was cut off in this exchange.

The next message states: “The truth is your protection. You did nothing wrong, and the facts and paper trails for a year and people who can go on the background as your protection.

“This document is a review … We need to prepare as if it will also pass any long length with the press.” Baldoni responds to a long heart message and queries or hired a lawyer.

Baldoni version of text messages (Brian Friedman via Thelawsuitinfo)

Baldoni version of text messages (Brian Friedman via Thelawsuitinfo)

“He wants to feel that she can be bury”

Another exchange of text occurs between Jennifer Abelwho deals with the B B Baldona and his ancient publicist Melissa Nathan.

This includes the line “He wants to feel that she can be buried”, and Nathan sends a message “We can’t write it to him, we cannot write that we will destroy it, we will go to it, we will do it ‘

Baldoni claims that the complaint Lively cuts the following message in exchange, as well as several others, which can be seen below (although difficult to deal with the exact words).

One message he states was cut, in response to “we cannot write, we will destroy it is:“ Of course, no. But I told him that it was meaningful to speak. “

Texts between Nathan and Abelle included in Lively's claim (The New York Times)

Texts between Nathan and Abelle included in Lively’s claim (The New York Times)

Another text, when discussing the document, discusses how Baldoni should “look at it as an information document, so that we are armed … Imagine whether the document says everything he wants, ends in other people’s hands.”

Baldoni again claims that the complaint cuts a message sent immediately after saying: “Work is not a document. Work is a crisis of king, haha.”

Finally, Lively’s complaint includes Melissa Nathan, who says, “You know that we can bury anything, but I can’t write it, I will be, I will be very tough.”

However, Baldoni claims that it excludes what this message responds to, Abel says, “If it’s some kind of comfort, it is like it all. Over thoughts. Stress. High anxiety. He just needs to be educated about how works This process. “

Baldoni claims that numerous critical messages have been cut to omit context (Brian Friedman through Thelawsuitinfo)

Baldoni claims that numerous critical messages have been cut to omit context (Brian Friedman through Thelawsuitinfo)

“Doesn’t matter if it’s not true”

The next section that mentions allegedly excluded text messages is again focused on the discussion of Abel and Nathan.

In Lively’s complaint, this is probably the most cursed of all text messages, arguing that it proves that the Baldoni team planted counterfeit stories to damage Lively’s reputation.

This includes a message in which they refer to a “limited pick on a daily mail or six page.”

Next goes a series of messages, for example, “most social people are so about Justin, and I do not even agree with a half of them,”, and “he is not aware of how lucky he is now, we need to do it click on how f * * The king is happy.

Baldoni claims that the Lively Event version is greatly changed (Brian Friedman through Thelawsuitinfo)

Baldoni claims that the Lively Event version is greatly changed (Brian Friedman through Thelawsuitinfo)

Finally, another message from Lively’s complaint is Melissa Nathan, who said, “Sexual connotations in the area of ​​sexual connotations in the area of ​​Jesus F ** King Christ.

“Other members feel uncomfortable, watching it, I mean there is just so much.”

However, Baldoni claims that all this exchange is simply a “monitoring” of talking about the situation.

It includes more than 40 messages that he states between the first and second reports of the Lively complaint, many of which include Nathan and Abel, who are trying to suppress any stories about the situation.

He then states that the message immediately after they discuss “sexual connotations” – is what says “does not matter if it is not true” about Lively’s complaints, and Abel replied: “I know I don’t think that they get it they think that the truth wins. ”

Baldoni claims this exchange was derived from a valuable context (Brian Friedman through Thelawsuitinfo)

Baldoni claims this exchange was derived from a valuable context (Brian Friedman through Thelawsuitinfo)

“Is Blake Lively installed to cancel?”

The final set of messages that Baldoni states lively lowers to delete the context focused around the article of the daily mail called “Is the Blake Lively set for cancellation?”

This article is revealed Old interview with Kjersti FlaaA journalist who came out to reveal a “bad” experience with Lively during an interview in 2016.

In addition, the work summarizes the general critic that PR and the movie marketing strategy are not concentrated on the topic of domestic violence present in the movie.

Baldoni again claims that the context was removed, which, in his opinion, proves that it is sarcastic (Brian Friedman through Thelawsuitinfo)

Baldoni again claims that the context was removed, which, in his opinion, proves that it is sarcastic (Brian Friedman through Thelawsuitinfo)

In the complaint of Blake Lively, the article is sent, and Abel replies: “Oh, you really surpass yourself with this work”, to which Nathan replied: “That’s why you hired me, right? I’m the best.”

In the stated version of Baldoni events, it dropped a screenshot in which Nathan said to the reporter: “Damm is unfair, because it is not me. Now everything looks like it. Maybe not to you.”

The reporter replied, saying, “No, it’s quite like his side!”

In addition, they claim that inverted smileys (often they are used to transmit sarcasm) were missed after Abel says, “You really surpassed yourself with this work.”

Baldoni is shown that it allegedly questioned whether his team is on a negative Blake article (Brian Friedman through Thelawsuitinfo)

Baldoni is shown that it allegedly questioned whether his team is on a negative Blake article (Brian Friedman through Thelawsuitinfo)

They claim that all the exchange was sarcastic, continuing to show Baldon’s texts to ask for confirmation that his team is not behind stories, saying in one message: “It is organic that it is undermined by its own actions.”

The trial will continue that the judge is presiding on the issues, claiming that he will be forced to move forward if he continues “trial in the press.”

Blake Lively’s representatives did not respond to the Ladbleble Group Comment.