
Federal authorities have charged Lewis’s brothers from Walgrins | News

Federal authorities have charged Lewis’s brothers from Walgrins | News

The federal authorities will take the leadership of the accusation of two brothers suspected of robbery and murder of pharmaceutical drug delivery in Shrepoport last month. They consider the possibility of sending federal firearms, robbery and murder statutes that can be punished for life imprisonment or possibly a death penalty.

A suspected trigger in a brazen, criminal light outside Walgreens is currently in prison in Texas, where he is accused of shooting a police that interrupted a robbery lasting last month. It is kept without bail, while the federal authorities are preparing their business here, KTBS News learned.

His older brother, who was believed, managed a vehicle that was delivered by Schrevport when he conducted his route, was arrested last week and was kept without bonds for federal accusations of being convicted by a criminal in a firearm. It is scheduled for listening to detention on Wednesday in the US District Court in Schrepoport.

Larry Lewis SPD reservation

Larry Lewis

Federal accusations that can be used in cases against the suspects of Kelvin and Larry Lewis use a firearm that leads to the death and violation of the Hobbes law, which may concern robbery and crimes that affect interstate trade.

The US Prosecutor Alexander Van Huk has refused comments on his office plans, saying that federal agents are still collecting evidence that would determine how they continue.

District Prosecutor Caddo James Stuart stated that his office was postponed to federal prosecutors through resources and potential punishments in accordance with the US law, but retains the opportunity to persecute the accusations of murder.

“We are now postponing to the federal authorities. This is a constant conversation,” Stuart said on Tuesday.

Kelvin Lewis

Kelvin Lewis

Part of the continuing investigation of the Schrevport and the FBI is whether they committed other robberies in Schrepoport, including two days before Christmas, where the shots were fired in the victim and robbery of the alcoholic beverage store, KTBS News learned.


Schrevport Police believes that the Brothers Lewis pursued 67-year delivery of Billy Jamison when he made a pharmaceutical route in the morning of January 22. They think Avenue and Highway Kings.

Jammison parked his van at the front door of the store. Police believes that Larry Lewis left for a parking lot in Kadillac Escalase and stopped at the expected sacrifice. Then Kelvin Lewis crossed the lines of the lines, walked through the parking lot and collided with Jamison when he left the van, police said.

Jammison, who was robbed on the route last October, resisted. There was a struggle, and Jamison was shot several times before his killer stole the delivery van.

Billy Jammison

Police detectives used the Onstar van to track it to the Bosi -City residential complex, where one of Lewis’s brothers lived. Detectives also found out that escalate was in a repair shop on Fulton -Street and captured it. Later, legal employees returned to this place, found that Larry Lewis was hiding under some garbage and sending K-9 to detain him.


Court and law enforcement records show that 38-year-old Kelvin Lewis has the history of armed robberies, going over 20 years ago and allegedly renewed after he got out of prison last year:

– Lewis was sentenced to 25 years in prison for armed robbery in 2003. It was released last June, the authorities said.

– Police suspect that Kelvin Lewis robbed the owner of Schrevport’s business and shot him last December 23, but was not arrested when the deadly shooting took place outside Walgenins. Police believes that Larry Lewis was driving on a vacation car.

– Police in Arlington, Texas, where Kelvin Lewis lived, said that on January 10, he got in a firefight with officers after police interrupted the robbery of the business. Police said Lewis had then tried to exhaust the front door, but was captured. No one was injured, but four business staff were related to the ribbon, police said. Currently, Lewis is imprisoned in connection with these charges and state accusations of murder of Shrevport.

– In the court of the court of 2019, asking the judge of the district court Caddo to reduce his armed sentence in the robbery of 2003, Lewis stated that he made a “moral inventory” about himself and became a change of a man in prison. Describing himself a third party, Lewis wrote: “After serving 17 years in prison, he is not the same person he was … Now he has set a way to clean the debris of the past and make amendments to those people where it is possible.”


Judicial records show that Larry Lewis, 44 years old, has preliminary criminal convictions for attempted armed robbery and drug crimes. At the time of his arrest last week, he was free of charge of Bond in a Caddo district court for drug crime and accusations of underage conduct with a juvenile.


Jamison, the fourth father, was released from General Motors and became an independent contractor who delivers pharmaceuticals to pharmacy shops because he wanted to help do something, friends and family members said. In the past, he was a preacher and was older in his church. Jamison was the primary caregiver for his elderly father. His funeral was Saturday.