
Dunkirk Man pleads guilty of work trading, abduction | News, sports, work

Dunkirk Man pleads guilty of work trading, abduction | News, sports, work

Dunkirk’s husband pleaded guilty to the theft of illegal immigrants and stole the teenager that he raped after she had escaped from his care.

US lawyer Trini E. Ross announced on Monday that 33 -year -old Augusto Matteo Francisco pleaded guilty to US District Judge John L. Sinatra, a youthful for two points of forced labor, and one calculation of a juvenile transportation.

The charges are required to be minimal sentence of 10 years in prison, a maximum of life and a fine of $ 250,000.

The assistant of the American prosecutor Douglas AS Penrose, who deals with the case, provide them with housing and work on the farms of the district.

Francisco would be pulled from migrants for their home, work and other items. He also reduced the salary they made when working on farms.

Francisco threatened two people, telling them that if they stop working for him, or if they did not return the money they allegedly owed him, he would harm their families or call immigration bodies and deport.

In March 2019, Francisco had sexual relations with a 16-year-old Guatemalan migrant who came to the United States with his mother.

The authorities said Francisco has repeatedly raped the teenager, threatening to cause harm to his family, which was still in Guatemala if she told someone about what had happened.

In May 2020, Francisco stole the teenager and took her to the trailer in Riple, where she was spent for almost two weeks until the police were rescued.

After her rescue, the 16-year-old and her mother fled to Georgia to avoid Francisco. However, he followed them and abducted the teenager, returning her to the Western District of New York, where he illegally kept her for a few more days until she was rescued again.

The request is the result of internal safety investigations under the direction of a special agent Erin Kigan and the Sheriff Office of Chautakwa, under the direction of Sheriff James Quettron.

The sentence was appointed on May 30 at 10 am before the Sinatra Judge.