
Treyarch co -founder pleads guilty of cutting drones into a plane

Treyarch co -founder pleads guilty of cutting drones into a plane

Call of Duty Treyarch’s studio co -founder recently pleaded guilty of fire aircraft with a drone during La’s latest fires. Pursuant to the guilt agreement, Peter T. Akeman will avoid potential punishment for a year of imprisonment and instead execute 150 hours of public services, especially in the area of ​​efforts to assist in the fire of Southern California. The agreement also includes a fine of $ 65,000, the cost of repairing the fire aircraft in question.

According to Agreement on FailureAkeman flew a drone over the region of Palisades, while in the area was conducted by a “super scoop” a water aircraft. His drone struck the wing of the aircraft, causing enough damage that he had to ground for a certain period of time.

The American prosecutor Joseph McNef, one of the prosecutors of the case, published a statement stating that “flying drones during emergencies pose an extraordinary threat to staff trying to help people and jeopardize the overall ability of the police and fire.” He repeated that those who fly the drones in these conditions will be arrested and criminally prosecuted as Akeman.

Akeman’s camp published a statement stating that the co -founder “deeply sorry” and “accepts responsibility for his serious mistake in judgments.” After the co -founder Treyarch, Akemann divorced with the company more than 20 years ago. Reports Verge that he recently departed from his role President Skydance Interactive, and that his social networks were cleared, including X and LinkedIn.

Several major video game publishers have received a Marshaalist resources to help fight La fires, including Games on rebellionwho introduced the game raising of the legend and valiant. Sony too Donated $ 5 million to Los -Angeles the effort of fire relief.