
Vaukesh Fatal Accident of Multi of Vehicles; A man charged with trial

Vaukesh Fatal Accident of Multi of Vehicles; A man charged with trial

Western Alleis A man accused of Vaokesha, who died a 17-year-old girl in December, was not guilty, and was brought to court on Monday, February 3.

19-year-old Jason Zech is accused of murder by intoxication of a vehicle, a reckless murder of a second degree, a reckless safety of a second degree, which is drunk, causing injury and TGC.

Zege belongs to court on April 25.

Details of the case

Previous History:

The country has happened on Sunset and Guthrie on Monday night, December 30. The preliminary investigation determined that the vehicle was experiencing speed on Sunset Drive, paid a stop sign and got into two other vehicles.

At the scene of the accident, Vokosh’s police noticed a car, an SUV and a pickup. The car “was on the curb in the northeast corner of the intersection, based on the stop of the driver of the vehicle,” the complaint said. The front end of the pickup was “crushed on the back of the silver SUV,” the complaint said.

Scene in East Sunset Drive and Guthrie Road

“I can count at least three, but I guarantee if I come back to all this – I do not know if it was excited, emotional, you didn’t think – you indicated” I did it, “said Vaokosh Commissioner David Court David Gerring.

The first respondents took part in the wounded – including a girl in a car and a woman in a pickup. Officials also noted a man outside the pickup, later identified as Jason Zech, defendant. At the time, the defendant stated that “I’m just a stupid guy. I’m just trying to take her home,” the complaint said.

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Scene in East Sunset Drive and Guthrie Road

When the investigators asked Zech what happened, “the defendant stated,” I tried to take her home, and suddenly I do not know, I don’t know what happened. ” stated, “Yes, I’m not some (explicit) drunkard all the time.”

The 19-year-old driver was arrested for drunk. While transporting it to the hospital to check it, the criminal complaint said that the Feldman asked the defendant whether he drank that night, and the defendant said, “Nothing. No, how literally nothing. I am saying.” The defendant also denied drug use. However, later, during an ambulance, the defendant stated: “I just want me to be drunk,” the complaint said. He later said, “I am one driving, and yes, I have to blame,” the complaint said. Later, the officer was also advised by the doctor in the hospital that “the defendant told the doctor:” I was a drunk slice (explicit), “the complaint said.

The flight for life answered and flew one victim, later identified as 17-year-old Megan VOS, to the hospital. It was killed as a result of injuries sustained in the disaster. Other people involved in the accident have received life -threatening injuries.

Fox6 News has found records of the previous OWI Zehe since April, which ultimately was released – and a speed ticket where Zehe was passing 98 mph in the area of ​​45 miles / h.

Megan VOSS

What do we know:

The VOS was a student of high school Waukesha West. The next day after the accident, dozens of classmates and her brother put crosses at her parking space at school.

“She put everyone in front of her,” said Senior Tyler Sodemann. “She went to health care because she wanted to help other people.”

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“She was friends with everyone. She was saying she was the best friends with everyone,” said Senior Trianna Wentzel. “Even if you didn’t know her well, she was such a smile in the corner – you could look at her and know that everything would be fine.”

Vass brother reported Fox6 News that the family is looking forward to the graduation of Vass this spring. He also said that their dog, a blazing, which was in a car with wax, should be eutted because of his injuries.

Source: The information in this report is from the Vokosh Police Department and the Visconsin Court.

Crime and Public Safety