
The suspect faces charges after attacking the household household house while he worked on Motor Rally – The Irish Times

The suspect faces charges after attacking the household household house while he worked on Motor Rally – The Irish Times

Last year, the main suspect was identified on the attack on the house of a member of the Garda, and it is expected to be charged.

The incident happened last summer, when Garda visited the Donegal International rally with a modified car in Garda Liver. He proposed to modify the vehicle for rallies as a project designed to promote relationships with young car and vehicles.

The presence of him and his colleagues at the rally was widely disclosed on social networks.

Garda is suspected that on social networks, the malefactors saw that Harda Christopher Lynch was in Donegal with a 2.0-liter Volkswagen car, 295 hp. demonstrate.

The decorative boulder was thrown through the living room window, causing damage to the inside and outside the house. The garde wife and young children were inside.

Garda Lynch, a car lover, was deployed to Donegal because he was a key member of the Gardu, who advertised the NEXUS operation, who seeks to achieve younger drivers with interest in vehicles to improve road safety.

( Homemade Garda House attacked while his wife and kids were present when he took hi-sopec on Donegal RallyOpens in a new window )

The sources of Garda stated that at a time when a visit to the rally went very well. Most of the content of social media around Linch’s Garda and colleagues who were there with the vehicle were positive when they were engaged in many young drivers.

However, the other content struck a more negative tone and seems to have focused on the work of Garda Lynch with the Delvin Police Unit. This work sometimes requires the attack of modified vehicles from young drivers in the safety territory.

The attack on his family house was captured by video surveillance, and the footage was recorded both criminal offenses and a vehicle used by responsible men.

The attack last June investigated local Gardaí units and specialized units. Gardaí looked at CCTV frames that were recorded near the stage and in neighboring places. The suspects were identified and searches conducted by an investigative Gardai when one person now faces accusation of the incident.